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Diablo 3 Guides

Diablo 3 Item Descriptors

Item Descriptors are ascribed to Items in Diablo 3, which, at a glance, will tell you what each item is capable of. Each item may be preceded by a Prefix or followed by a Suffix (or both). Knowing these descriptors, you'll be able to tell the relative benefits of an item before even picking it up (or buying it - hit your right mouse button over some Diablo 3 Items lately?).

Item Prefixes

Prefix Effect
Adventuring Monster kills add exp
Assailing Attack speed increased
Assassin Melee attackers take damage when hitting hero
Avaricious Gold and heaalth globe pick up range increased
Awakening Spirit regeneration increased (Monk)
Balanced Attacks per second increased
Battering Chance to knockback enemies with each hit
Beguiling Arcane resistance increased
Bewildering Can blind enemy on hit
Bewitching Max Mana increase
Bitter Hatred regeneration increase
Bleak Chance to chill enemy on hit
Bleeding Chance to inflict bleeding damage on enemy
Bloody Chance to inflict bleeding damage on enemy
Bounding Movement rate increase
Brutal Critical damage increased
Champion Strength and Intelligence increase
Chilling Chance to afflict chill status effect on enemy
Clever Monster kills add exp
Confident Max Discipline increase (Demon Hunter)
Conjuring Max Mana increase
Consecrated Attack speed increase
Cruel Strength and Dexterity increase
Crippling Chance to slow enemy on hit
Dauntless Strength and Vitality increase
Dazzling Chance to blind enemy on hit
Defiant Reduces the effects of control impairment
Deflecting Reduces damage from ranged attacks
Dire Fear effect for enemy on hit
Dueling Strength and Intelligence increased
Enchanter Max Arcane Power increase
Exceptional Weapon does minimum damage
Feral Dexterity bonus
Fiendish Percentage of damage done restores life
Fleet Movement rate increase
Foreboding Critical hits restore 1 Arcane Power
Gathering Gold and health globe pickup range is increased
Glacial Chance to chill enemy on hit
Glittering Increased gold pick up from slain monsters
Greedy Gold and health globe pickup range is increased
Grim Percentage of damage done increased
Gruesome Percentage of damage done restores life
Hallowed Vitality increase
Hardened Physical resistance increase
Harmonious Restore health from a percentage of spirit spent (Monk)
Holy Holy damage
Horrifying Fear effect for enemy on hit
Hunting Attack speed increased
Illuminating Spirit regeneration increased
Indestructible Item ignores durability loss (including loss from dying)
Infusing Mana regeneration increased
Invigorating Health globes recover more life
Iron Critical hit chance increased
Keen Attack speed increased
Lucky Increased gold pick up from slain monsters
Masterwork Maximum damage of weapon increased
Mending Heath globe health restoration bonus
Mesmerizing Max Mana increased (Witch Doctor)
Miserly Gold and health globe pickup range is increased
Nimble Movement speed increased
Nomadic Ice resistance increased
Perplexing Chance to blind enemy on hit
Persecuting Chance to slow enemy on hit
Piercing Increased damage to elite enemies
Proud Intelligence and Vitality increase
Pummelling Chance to knockback enemy on hit
Pure Poison resistance increase
Raiding Attack speed increase
Ransacking Increased chance of finding magic items
Reborn Spirit regeneration increase
Reckless Max Fury increase (Barbarian)
Relentless Strength increase
Renewing Health globes recover more life
Reptilian Regenerates health
Resolute Reduces damage from elite enemies
Resonant Recover life from spirit spent (Monk)
Restless Monster kills add exp
Rugged Max life increased
Salubrious Regenerates health each second
Savage Overall damage increase
Savvy Monster kills add exp
Sawtooth Chance to inflict critical hit increased
Screaming Intelligence increase
Scouting Better chance of finding magic items
Seared Fire resistance increase
Severe Strength and Dexterity increase
Silent Lightning resistance increase
Sly Max arcane increase
Smashing Chance to knockback enemy on hit
Solid Critical hit damage increased
Socketed Empty gem socket(s) available
Spectral All resistances increased
Spiteful Hatred regeneration rate increased
Steady Max discipline increase
Steadfast Intelligence and Dexterity increase
Superior Armor (or attack) bonus
Swift Movement speed increased
Thick Armor increase
True Dexterity and Intelligence increase
Undying Regenerates life over time
Untarnished Poison resistance increased
Vampiric Damage done to enemies converted to life
Vaunted Intelligence and Vitality increase
Vigorous Strength and Vitality increase
Warding Arcane resistance increased
Wicked Critical hit damage increased
Wild Dexterity and Vitality increase

Item Suffixes

Suffix Effect
Agony General damage increase
Angels Holy damage
Assault Chance to slow enemy on hit; Strength increased
Avalanche Cold damage and attack speed increased or percentage of damage done increased
Bane Chance to stun enemy on hit
Barbs Enemies take damage by melee attacking hero.
Bear Vitality bonus
Beyond Arcane damage and attack speed increased or percentage of damage done increased
Black Widow Corpse Spider damage increased (Witch Doctor)
Blight Poison damage and attack speed increased or percentage of damage done increased
Carnage Hits on enemies restores health
Castle Armor increase
Comets Reduce the Arcane Power cost of Meteor (Wizard)
Conflagration Lightning damage and attack speed increased or percentage of damage done increased
Cruelty Dexterity bonus
Death Percentage of damage done increased
Defiance Resistance increase
Deflection Increased chance to block
Eel Electricity damage
Flame Fire damage
Ferocious General damage increase
Focus Intelligence bonus
Fortitude Vitality bonus
Fortress Armor increase
Fright Chance to cause fear on hit
Frozen Sea Chance to freeze enemy on hit
Gladiator Reduces enemy melee attack damage
Grace Holy damage
Hail Chance to freeze on hit; increase Blizzard duration (Wizard)
Harvest Damage done to enemies converted to life
Hawk Dexterity bonus
Heavens Holy damage and attack speed increased or percentage of damage done increased
Horror Chance to inflict fear enemies per hit
Hurricane Reduces spirit cost of Cyclone Strike (Monk)
Ice Chance to freeze enemies per hit
Immolation Fire damage
Impairment Chance to immobilize on hit
Incineration Fire damage and attack speed increased or percentage of damage done increased
Infinity Arcane damage
Interception Increased chance to block
Invasion Strength bonus
Leech Hits on enemy restores health
Lesions Poison damage
Lion Strength bonus
Malice Attack speed increase
Maiming Max damage increase
Mind Intelligence bonus
Monsoon Fists of Thunder damage increased (Monk)
Mutilation Kills restore life
Nightmares Fear effect for enemy on hit
Omens Intelligence increase
Pain Dexterity increase
Razor Strength (or intelligence) bonus
Ruin Shockpulse damage increase (Wizard)
Sabotage Chance to immobilize enemy on hit
Salvos Increases chance of Rapid Fire (Demon Hunter)
Shivers Cold damage
Slaughter Life gained from monster kills
Snake Poison damage
Sores Poison damage
Squire Level requirements of item reduced
Stagnation Chance to immobilize on hit
Starlight Arcane damage
Storms Lightning damage
Strife Maximum damage increase
Striking May stun enemy with hit
Terror Fear on hit
Thorns Enemies take damage by melee attacking hero.
Tortoise Increased chance to block (shield only)
Valor Vitality increase
Wild Magic Critical hit chance increased for Energy Twister (Wizard)
Winter Cold damage
Wounding General damage increase

Diablo 3 Gold

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