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Diablo 3 Guides

Four Leveling Skills in Diablo 3

Finally, the Witch Doctor gets access to a wide range of control capabilities that will be useful in PvP. He has an AoE fear, an AoE spell, and the ability Hex causing nearby targets to be unable to act and to take additional damage. Between these two things, it is not very often that the Witch Doctor is really touched by the enemies. When you consider the vast amount of information of the Witch Doctor has increased its spell resistance significantly and in the game it appears that the Witch Doctor takes very little damage in general.

There are some weaknesses to the Witch Doctor class. As mentioned in the previous section, the lack Witch Doctor escapes and therefore may be in trouble if she gets surrounded by enemies. Competence horrify can help you avoid these situations, but this brings me to the second weakness Witch Doctor and in the game. However, all classes have their weaknesses, including the Witch Doctor. In the next section of this guide Diablo 3 Witch Doctor, we will reveal the weaknesses of the wizard if you know exactly what pitfalls to avoid, a WD hard drive in D3.

If you decide to use the gargantuan zombies and dogs, you have to do is left up to four skills. If you use Soul Harvest (which you should) that leaves you with three skills left. This means you only have 3 skills to choose your primary damaging abilities and defensive skills of your choice and in the game! Due to the low number of skills of a Witch Doctor, you tend to suffer in both area damage and survival. The weakness of the next class Witch Doctor is that he feels most constrained by only being able to equip six of his abilities hotbar.

One solution to this would be to just playing in bands or just choose a pet to play with. I would not throw the Soul harvest this skill is too much of a DPS buff to justify the abandonment of any jurisdiction and in the game. Most players will have to choose between an AoE skill and defensive skill to their final location, which is slowing you down when it comes to AoE or makes you a bit vulnerable if you are caught in a bad position.

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